Update CS:GO on 04.03.19

Patches11:18, 06.04.2019
Update CS:GO on 04.03.19

April 3, 2019 there was another update cs go. The size of the update is 99.5 MB. So, what was included in update cs 04.03.2019?

— Fixed line of sight traces for weapon pickup rules to ignore debris.
— Fixed several HUD elements to respect cl_drawhud and cl_draw_only_deathnotices settings.


— Replaced red fence section at top of A ramp (Thanks SPUNJ!).
— Fixed pixel gaps on bombsite boxes.
— Raised floor of B stairs pit by 64 units.
— Reduced wallbang damage from CT elevator room towards T entrance to mid.
— Increased height of crane concrete base on A site.
— Improved visibility from B site towards T stairs.
— Added cover on right side when exiting stairs to B/exiting window.
— Fixed pixel gap from T spawn towards B catwalk.
— Fixed slight gaps between tarp sections on scaffolding.
— Fixed unintended boost on scaffolding at A ramp.
— Blocked weapons from being dropped underneath A ramp.
— Blocked weapons from being dropped underneath A site crane.
— Blocked players from going on the outside of ibeams in T spawn.
— Simplified collision on top of scaffolding models.
— Fixed various clipping bugs (thanks bonna97!).

— Fixed C4 stuck spot outside near silo.

— Removed gate model on B bombsite.
— Added fence on B long once again.
— Removed wheelbarrow on B long.
— Opened up a skybox to B bombsite allowing grenades being thrown from upper CT spawn as well as middle.
— Rotated crates on B bombsite.
— Moved big crate on B bombsite.
— Added tree for cover on B long.
— Extended wooden building on B.
— Improved clipping.
— Updated radar image.
— Replaced tarp with a model.




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