Update CS:GO on 03.20.19

Patches21:56, 20.03.2019
Update CS:GO on 03.20.19

20th of March, 2019 there was another update cs go. The size of the update is 37.2 MB. So, what was included in update cs 03.20.2019?

— Added a scoreboard element to indicate loss bonus for each team in Competitive and Wingman game modes.
— Zeus-x27 will no longer be able to kill people through walls.

— Fixed an issue causing black screen for users with integrated Intel GPU running with -d3d9ex launch option.
— Improved matchmaking times for Danger Zone.
— The recent teammates tab will now list your Danger Zone squad teammate even before the ongoing Danger Zone match is finished, so if you had a good game you can invite them to your party to play again.
— Added missing “The” to “The Emperor”.

— Vertigo has been added to Competitive matchmaking.
— Cobblestone has been removed from Competitive matchmaking.
— Overpass and Nuke have been moved into Defusal Group Delta.
— Cobblestone and Vertigo have been moved into Defusal Group Sigma.

— Changed CT entrance to mid, so that CTs have a safer rotation between sites.
— Moved forward plywood stack and wooden crate near T side of mid to make T boosts slightly safer.
— Smoothed out player collision on metal stairs in T spawn and B site.
— Updated soundscapes.
— Moved generator in T spawn up to second floor.
— Made it slightly easier to throw grenades out of ceiling in T corridor to mid.
— Minor tweaks and fixes.




Priser för 31.03.25

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