most accurate predictions for the matches of CS: GO!
player cs go f0rest
Full name:Patrik Lindberg
A country:SESweden
Command:cs go team NiPNiP
Ranking in the team:1
The role of the player:Main
Favorite Weapon:m4a1-s
Played cards:1502
Played rounds:38284
Avg. Streak:0.77
Avg. Death:0.65
Avg. Assists:0.13
K / D:1.19


Patrik Lindberg under us all famous pseudonym "f0rest" was the first who fell in love with the fans, as he managed to show themselves in the first at the global finals in South Korea, where speaking for the team Begrip Gaming beat all rivals and contenders for the top prize Catch-Gamers, and earned $ 50,000 after such a grandiose victory, he dropped out of school and decided to give eSports and fully immerse yourself in the head with it. He at that time gained a reputation as one of the leading players on the stage of the CS and for the time when he joined the team Fnatic he helped her become famous and become the dominant team in 2009 where fans were jubilant and happy throughout the year but after he decided to leave the team SKGAMING. At the moment he was in favor of the team NiP and comes with confidence step by step to victory that they seek to acquire.

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Bets for 29.03.25

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