UCC Summer Smash
Rates and types of bets
2.54Winning team NoChance
3.67Winning team Aristocracy
1.32The exact number of rounds won NoChance
1.57The exact number of rounds won Aristocracy
0.34The best player in the team NoChance
0.98The best player in the team Aristocracy
Total supply:
0.00 $10 000.00 $
10 000.00 $
Player efficiency
Detailed statistics of the maps
First half: 4 - 11
Second half: 2 - 5
First half: 3 - 12
Second half: 6 - 4
First half: 13 - 2
Second half: 3 - 10
Forecasts from analysts CSGO-FORECAST
To match no prediction! Write him first and get the monetary compensation in case of correct prediction!