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Update CS:GO on 03.22.19

Patches22:36, 22.03.2019
Update CS:GO on 03.22.19

March 22, 2019 there was another update cs go. The size of the update is 39.0 MB. So, what was included in update cs 03.22.2019?


— Switched Wingman version to bombsite B.
— Made white metal structures on B site slightly larger, to prevent excessive angles/boost positions.
— Added some floor material variation for footstep differentiation (CT corridor to back of A, elevator room near A site, T entrance to mid).
— Lowered C4 explosion radius (from 500 to 400).
— Added grenade clip to roof props in forklift room/lower level that allowed molotovs to burn through to upper level.
— Extended catwalk by top of T stairs to B.
— Added more railings near A ramp.
— Fixed various clipping issues and C4 stuck spots (Thanks bonna97!).
— Blocked weapons from falling into gap at bottom of A ramp (Thanks 3kliksphilip!).
— Boosted ambient light in elevator room near A site.
— Removed a unintended boost on HVAC fan in B site.

— Replaced pinky box.
— Removed sprites from lightsticks in gate house and underpass.
— Included material for spikes model near CT spawn.
— Added another crate on top of the crates near ivy.
— Removed flower pot near B bombsite for better visibility on retakes.
— Removed flower pot under the window on A long stairs.
— Removed gap between crates on B bombsite.
— Removed gap between crate and gazebo on A bombsite.


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Tarifas para 10.03.25

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