mousesports hold talks for woxic, frozen and karrigan

Transfery14:16, 07.03.2019
mousesports hold talks for woxic, frozen and karrigan

The German mousesports organization is negotiating a reserve player for FaZe Finn "karrigan" Andersen, Ozgur "woxic" Eker from HellRaisers and David "frozen" Chernyansky, who is now a free agent. This information was provided by the well-known portal Also, it became known that the organization mousesports is planning to return to its membership player Chris "chrisJ" de Jong.

The international trio will play instead of Martin "STYKO" Stick, Miikki "suNny" Kemppi and Tomas "oskar" Stastny. According to rumors, the Finnish player may soon move to the roster of Cloud9.

According to information from the source, in the near future, mousesports will announce its new roster, as the ECS S7 league will soon begin, namely from March 11, 2019.

Possible mousesports composition:
Robin "ropz" Kool
Chris "chrisJ" de Jong
Finn "karrigan" Andersen
Özgür "woxic" Eker
David "frozen" Čerňanský


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