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Update CS:GO on 09.08.17

newsApp.patches13:42, 08.09.2017
Update CS:GO on 09.08.17

8 September, 2017 there was another update cs go. The size of the update is 19.9 MB. So, what was included in update cs 09.08.2017?

— Added an explanation to Overwatch griefing convictions that players can be convicted for not participating in the match for an extended period of time.

— Added support for asynchronously loading gift sender’s name for unacknowledged items received as a gift.
— Fixed an issue that prevented display items from getting unequipped in loadout.
— Applying a trade-restricted sticker will now also transfer its ‘Tradable After’ restriction to the weapon. If both the sticker and the weapon were sellable immediately on Steam Community Market then the weapon with the sticker will remain sellable immediately.

— Limited-time offers will now always be available to users launching the game.
— Limited-time offers will now always be replenished when one of them is purchased.

— For log-parsing, all disconnect messages will no longer contain a newline character.
— Added a plugin method IServerTools::CreateItemEntityByName which should be used when plugins need to create weapon entities by schema name.
— Fixed an issue that caused a client error “CL_ReadPreserveEnt: u.m_nNewEntity == MAX_EDICTS” on some community servers.
— Expanded server capacity for official datacenter in Tianjin, China.


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Il prezzo 19.04.24

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