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Weapons, knives, price and quality of skins in cs go - detailed guide

Guias17:23, 14.09.2017
Weapons, knives, price and quality of skins in cs go - detailed guide

After the rapid growth of the popularity of the game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive developers have introduced a lot of different things that were not in the previous parts. This is a set of stickers (stickers), graffiti, skins of weapons and knives, music sets, and gloves. At the beginning most gamers can not think about the value of these skins, but in time you will plunge into it with a head. Thanks to skins, you can earn good money by selling them or by trading (exchange of inventory items). It was this occasion that served to create a detailed guide about skins, knives, stickers, weapons and other attributes of the company, we will try to collect all the information so that you do not have to look for it on other information resources.


Let's note some moments concerning skins:

  • Skins are a drawing on a weapon or a knife. Weapons, regardless of whether they have a skin cs go or not, works the same.
  • The quality of your skin will not deteriorate after a long time using it. For example, if your weapon skin is of the quality "A bit shabby," then after one, two, three or more months, the quality will remain the same.
  • Skins can differ from each other by their rarity.
  • The rarest special items are knives. At the moment there are 10 types of knives with more than 50 skins.
  • Some skins have a StatTrakTM function that will count your killings from a particular type of weapon. All skins can be used in any game modes.
  • Drop skins is only at the end of the game.
  • There is an opportunity to buy skins on the Steam trading platform.

How can I get new skins in cs go?

As you may have noticed, the drop always occurs after the game expires. There is a certain timer, after zeroing which the drop of weapons, cases, graffiti is carried out. Drop is possible in three game modes: professional, DeatchMatch and normal (casual). Drop in the form of a container is a list of weapon skins, including skins of knives. To open the case and pull one of these skins out of it, you will need a key that you can buy both in the game and on the TP (trading floor). In addition to the keys on the trading floor, you can buy almost any game item, as they say would be only money and desire. An important detail about drop, it occurs only on official Valve servers or community servers. It is worth noting the fact that the speed of loss of game items will decrease if you spend a lot of time playing CS: GO.

Rarity of skins in cs go

Some skins in the game have a sufficient number, so the price for them is quite low, or vice versa, if the skin is rare - it will cost a lot.


The hierarchy of rarity of skins looks like this:

  • White color - consumer goods (the cheapest and most common);
  • light blue color - industrial quality;
  • dark blue color - army quality;
  • purple color - prohibited weapons;
  • pink-violet color - classified weapons;
  • red color - secret weapon;
  • unusually rare knife.

Weapons from cases can not drop like a drop at the end of the game. The chance of a knife falling out after opening a case is extremely small, as a drop it can not fall out either.

Also there are StatTrak-skins that have a counter of your killings with the current weapon. The loss of such skins occurs less often than conventional skins.

Let's make a note for such skins:
1) If your partner or rival raises your skin with a counter, then it will have an error instead of the number of keels.
2) These skins do not fall out at the end of the game, they can be bought or obtained from the container.
3) The StatTrak counter of the skin does not count the killing of bots.

Let's look at examples of skins based on a hunting weapons case. The skins in this case, like the others, range from a dark blue type to an unusually rare one.

Below is an example of the StatTrak skin. It is pink in color and is part of the Huntsman Case collection.

Here is an example of a rare knife. Absolutely all knives from cs go are rare in the game, but not all go with a statetrack. But despite this, the minimum price of a knife is at least $50.

Information on the quality of weapon skins in cs: go

What is the appearance of the skin of the weapon? This is the amount and quality of paint that is applied to the weapon. There are 5 types of skin exteriors (we list from the worst to the best):

  • Battle-Scarred;
  • Well-Worn;
  • Field-Tested;
  • Minimal Wear;
  • Factory New

Compare all 5 types of skin M4A4 | Evil daimyo.




Minimal Wear

Factory New

Souvenirs in cs go

Souvenirs are the same skins that drop players for viewing Major Championships sponsored by Valve through GOTV. An example of such a championship was PGL Major Krakow 2017. Souvenir sets fall randomly (randomly), to open them do not need keys, just click on the "Open set" button. The skins that will drop out when opening the container do not differ from the other skins, except that in souvenir skins there are corresponding stickers related to the championship and the teams participating in it.

Below is one of the souvenir sets and the skin that fell out when you opened the container.

Stickers (stickers) in csgo

For the first time, stickers appeared in the game on 02/06/2014.
Stickers are items that can be pasted onto any skin of weapons, even if the weapon is standard. A sticker can be obtained by opening a capsule with stickers or by purchasing it on the trading floor. With a key, you can open the capsule with stickers. The average price of the key is $ 1. Stickers are of four types: conventional, holographic, metal and gold.

Additional information:

  • Stickers can be scraped off, but then the sticker will disappear from the weapon and you will not be able to return it to your inventory.
  • The allowed number of stickers on one weapon is not more than four pieces.
  • Stickers can not be glued to knives
  • Capsules and stickers can be bought and sold on the trading floor.

Below is a capsule inside which stickers are stored, and when you open it you will drop one of them.

Below is a gun with different stickers.

Smuggling quality of weapons in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

11.06.2014 the skin of the weapon M4A4 | Howling and the sticker "Morning Howl" were labeled as contraband game items. After that, the original skins data schedule changed. What really happened? This graphic work was stolen from the user of Devian Art, after which he sued Valve and as a result, the items disappeared from the hunting weapons container. All other skins changed the graphics. These "Howls" - skins were gone from all cases, now the remaining items have become extremely rare.

Below is a comparison of M4A4 | Howling before and after the scandal.



Sets of music and various in-game offers in the game

From 10.10.2014, it became possible to buy music sets as an in-game offer, as well as on the Steam trading platform.

If you have become the best players of the round, other players will hear the hymn from your set of music.

Other items, such as certain stickers, you can buy during the time that the offer is valid.

Below is a screenshot of such a proposal.

Gloves in CSGO

On November 29, 2016, a glove case was added to the game, inside of which you can find 17 skin gloves created by the authors from the community. Unlike other sets, in Glove Case special drops are 24 skin gloves.

Below are all types of gloves in CSGO.


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