Bogdan xsepower Chernikov commented on his departure from forZe

Transfers19:22, 23.06.2021
Bogdan xsepower Chernikov commented on his departure from forZe

In the world of esports, it is not uncommon for players to move from one team to another for a variety of reasons. As a rule, this greatly affects the effectiveness of the teams performances and leads to a change in the odds for matches with their participation on sites like A similar fate befell relatively recently a player named Bogdan xsepower Chernikov, who left the forZe team. Read on for more details.

What caused the player to leave?

In an interview that Bogdan xsepower Chernikov gave for, he shared the reasons that prompted him to leave the main roster of forZe. According to him, the main one is his complex and quarrelsome nature. He noted that it would be an exaggeration to call his behavior toxic, and nowadays it is very difficult to find a person who does not have his own “bugs” in his head. Official comments from the team's management regarding the player's departure have not yet followed.

Among other reasons, he notes a rather difficult relationship with one of the team members, under the nickname Jerry. According to Bogdan, he does not like to listen to other people's opinions and stands his ground even if he is not 100% right. Accordingly, everyone had to either constantly agree with him, or constantly enter into conflicts, trying without any success to prove the correctness of their opinion. The result of the collision between Jerry and Bogdan, in fact, was the departure from the team of the latter.

What plans does the player have for the future?

According to the information received from the player during the interview, he planned to become part of a collective called MAD Lions. However, for unknown reasons, this deal did not take place, and today Bogdan is actively looking for a new team with which he could perform on the professional stage. The player himself flatly refused to comment on this situation. There were also no official comments from the MAD Lions team.


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